In Canada SCATTERED MINDS: A New Look At The Origins And
Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder has been a national bestseller in both its
hardcover and paperback editions. The same book is now available in the U.S. in paperback,
with the title SCATTERED: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates And What You Can
Do About It. (The U.S. hardcover edition has been out since August, 1999, and has
been very enthusiastically received by American readers.) I much prefer the Canadian
title, because it gives a more precise sense of what this book is about. It really is
about scattered minds, which is how I have always experienced my own, and it's about a new
look at what shapes such minds and how to heal them. The U.S. title, while not incorrect,
makes it sound too much like another do-it-yourself self-help book, which Scattered
most decidedly is not. Scattered combines my own personal experience as an adult
with ADD, as the parent of ADD children, and as a physician frequently asked to deal with
condition, with the latest findings of neuroscience and brain developmental research,
along with the insights of developmental psychology, family systems theory and family
therapy, medical science, psychology, and much else. It is not an academic work-witness
its success on the Canadian bestsellers lists-but it respects the readers' intelligence
and curiosity. It provides of a synthesis of many different disciplines to give what I
believe to be the most comprehensive-and most hopeful-view of this much-misunderstood
Readers are welcome to download several chapters from Scattered
to gain a flavor of how this book is written and what approach it takes. What follows on
this page is a summary of the book's thesis as to what causes ADD, and the rationale for
the treatment approach I favor. In my approach medications may play a role, but not a
major one. The most important thing is to create the right conditions, for both adults and
children, because under the right circumstances brain development can take place at any
time in life. So the goal is not simply symptom control, or behavior control. The long
term goal is development-when people develop properly their symptoms automatically abate
and their behavior naturally corrects itself.
The astonishing findings of modern neurological research make it impossible that a
complex condition of the brain such as attention deficit disorder could be a simple matter
of biological heredity. For the true causes of ADD we have to look at the social and
psychological conditions that shape the brains of children in late twentieth century-and
early twenty first century-Western societies.
We now know that the anatomy of the brain-the shape and configuration of the myriads of
circuits that make up the brain's apparatus-is not set by heredity alone, but by also the
environment. Environment, too, helps to determine the chemistry of the brain.
Unlike with other mammals, most of human brain development occurs outside the safety of
the uterus, in the first years of life, when highly vulnerable to circumstances. Nerve
cells and neurological circuits compete for survival in a process that has been called
"neural Darwinism": those receiving the necessary stimulation are strengthened
and become wired in, those that do not fail to develop and may even die. A child kept in a
dark room for the first five years, for example, will never develop visual circuits and
will be irretrievably blind.
In attention deficit disorder the chief physiological problem appears to be located in
the frontal lobe of the brain, in the area of the cortex (or gray matter) where attention
is allocated and emotions and impulses are regulated. Just as the visual circuits need the
stimulation of light, the circuits of attention and emotion control also need the
appropriate input: a calm, non-stressed connection with a non-stressed and non-distracted
primary maternal caregiver. Stresses on the mothering adult-or disruption of contact with
her, as in adoption-predispose children to ADD because they directly affect the developing
electrical circuits of the infant's brain. The very chemistry of the infant's brain is
Infant monkeys separated from their mothers for only a few days had in their frontal
lobes diminished quantities of dopamine, a chemical messenger important for attention and
motivation. (Dopamine is the chemical we are trying to supplement when we prescribe a
stimulant such as Ritalin.)
Although there is in ADD an inherited predisposition, a heightened sensitivity, the
condition itself is rooted in social factors that have placed nearly intolerable burdens
on the parenting environment. It is not bad or unloving parenting that is the problem, but
stressed parenting. The erosion of community, the breakdown of the extended family, the
pressures on marriage relationships, the harried lives of nuclear families still intact
and the growing sense of insecurity even in the midst of relative wealth have all combined
to create an emotional milieu in which calm, attuned parenting is becoming alarmingly
difficult. The human brain being a social product, so is attention deficit disorder.
Fortunately, brain research also tells us that, unlike with vision, the attentional and
emotional circuits of the cortex can still develop new connections later in life, even in
adulthood. This development, more than just behavioral control through medications or
various parenting techniques, ought to be the long term goal of healing in ADD.
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