Gabor Maté's new
book is available now!

Scattered, written from the inside by a doctor who himself has Attention Deficit
Disorder, offers a completely new perspective on ADD and a new approach to helping
children and adults living with the problems Attention Deficit Disorder presents. For
information specific to children with Attention Deficit disorder, click here. For Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder, click here.
"This delightful, helpful book is a welcome addition to the literature on
ADD. I would enthusiastically recommend Scattered to anyone touched by ADD - adults,
parents, and professionals."
- John J. Ratey, M.D., co-author of Driven to Distraction
- Demonstrates that ADD is not an inherited illness, but a reversible impairment, a
developmental delay
- Explains that in ADD, circuits in the brain whose job is emotional self-regulation and
attention control fail to develop in infancy—and why
- Shows how “tuning out” and distractibility are the psychological products of
life experience, from in utero onwards
- Allows parents to understand what makes their ADD children tick, and adults with ADD to
gain insights into their emotions and behaviors
- Expresses optimism about neurological development even in adulthood
- Presents a program of how to promote this development in children and adults alike
Now comes Gabor Maté , an insightful, no-nonsense, and thoroughly compassionate
physician who provides an overview of all these perspectives and comes to the marvelously
humane conclusion that ADD/ADHD is neither nature (genetics) nor nurture
(parenting/environment) but, rather, the result of the collision of a predisposing nature
with an ADD-hostile life situation, family, school, or job. How refreshing!
-Thom Hartman, author of ADD: A Different Perception and many
other books about ADD |
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"One of the most comprehensive and
accessible books about Attention Deficit Disorder." -Publishers Weekly |
"Utterly sensible and deeply
moving... The most plausible account to date of one of the current mysteries of the human
mind and personality."
-The Vancouver Sun |
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